Sunday 23 August 2015

Farming for Chitambo!

Many Zambians are excellent farmers, growing wonderful fresh vegetables for subsistence purposes.  That is admirable since farming is very hard work and it is one thing growing veg for pleasure and quite another when people's lives depend on a good harvest.  Zambian maize harvests are predicted to be poor in 2015, due to poor rainfall.  Since maize is Zambia's staple diet, this has implications for food security in some part of the country.

There is no comparison between Zambian crop yields and a little amateur gardening at West Street, Penicuik (Scottish FoCh HQ).  That said, and despite our abysmal UK summer, results of this gardening were modestly good  this year (Pictured below).  No shortage of rain in Penicuik, of course.  Quite the opposite!  Is all this strange weather down to global warming and, if so, what are the implications for both Scotland and Zambia and what can be done about it?



 Broad beans



Blackcurrants turned to jam

This produce went on sale at our street market stall on Saturday 23rd August 2015, and contributed to sales (See the next post for details).

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